15 March 2008

Could it be Spring???

If you've taken a look at my Sister's blog, Quilted Comfort (see Links), and viewed the beautiful cherry tree in full bloom and...wished even one tangible sign of spring were visible where you live - like I have - Take Heart; subtle signs are all around!

Here in this corner of northeastern Wisconsin, the snow cover is less than half of what it was a week ago - there's been much melting over especially the past few days and we now have huge patches of bare ground visible. The colors have changed from black and white to brown and white. The birds are around again, playing and fluttering in our bushes by the deck. Their chirping and songs are a delight. And then, yesterday I saw something I was not expecting mid-March...my tulips have begun to emerge from their long winter's rest deep in the ground. Granted, they are only up about 2 inches and there are no blooms yet, but this sign of new life is energizing and so appreciated after the long, cold, and very snowy winter we've had here.

We do temper our enthusiasm with a dose of reality though by saying, "It IS only March and this IS Wisconsin...we CAN still get lots of snow yet". But I for one do hope these subtle signs of spring and all the new life that is just waiting to burst forth will continue to emerge with abundance over the next week and month...akin to what our journey through Lent is supposed to be all about...

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