29 April 2010

Response to Comment received and not accepted:

"Angels" do not write nasty comments on this blog that are intended for some other person they have the "gripe" about.

04 March 2010

The Proof is in the Pictures!

Upon arising this morning I was delighted to see not one but three pairs of Eastern Bluebirds checking out the three bird houses in our yard! Thankfully they continued their quest while I grabbed the camera.

Here is one pair perched in one of the trees - female above the male:

And here is a male perched on the little white birdhouse (after I snapped the picture he ventured inside to take a look around). If you look closely at the right side of the background you can see how the sun causes the snow sparkles like diamonds in places.

How delighful it is they have returned!!! A sure sign spring is definitely on its way.

01 March 2010

Could it be?

Has spring arrived??? As I was finishing lunch today I looked out the patio doors and there it was, at least it looked like it. So I got up to take a closer look and it was true! An Eastern bluebird perched on the deck rail!!! On the first of March!!! Unfortunately it flew away before I could get the camera. But one of these days very soon I will snap a picture. Wow, it's pretty early for them to be back here but what a delightful surprise that they are!

18 January 2010

The New Year, a couple weeks late...

I greeted the New Year with some ideas to strive toward...NOT resolutions as I do not make resolutions because in my experience resolutions are made to be broken.

The first was to attempt to de-clutter closets, bookshelves, cupboards and drawers. After several days of that I had two full trunk loads of usable and in good condition "stuff" (some of which I had forgotten we even had) to donate to the thrift store. I still have the basement to do, a daunting task indeed and one that will best be accomplished in increments. And then there's he garage which will have to wait until spring and much warmer weather.

The second is to send actual hard copy birthday cards this year (and maybe continue to send ecards as well). So I spent a day entering birthdays onto the calendar and...so far so good; cards really ARE being sent in the mail!

And third, as I was moving from closet to closet, I reorganized the supply of yard I had amassed. I really did not want to throw out half used skeins or those with which I could combine complimentary colors so...I've been crocheting various patterns of adult size (and some smaller) chemo hats whenever I have some "down time" to be donated to the Cancer Center .

Here's what I've learned so far: we most always have accumulated some sort of abundance that if shared, could very well benefit someone else who is in need.