30 November 2009

Finally Finished

It sure feels like this afghan took a long time to complete - maybe because I was on a crocheting marathon yesterday with the goal of getting it done and my hands are really feeling it this morning. Or maybe it's because I did not take breaks to work on different projects along the way - like stained glass as I did with the previous afghan. At any rate, I finished this latest one around 10:00 last night and am glad since there are a few more gifts to make in the next 20 or so days.

19 November 2009

The Next Project

It's been a busy week with appointments and what not so I haven't taken the time to post here. The weather up until late yesterday has been unseasonably warm and gorgeous. Then...the rain started and it's much cooler today. The dogs and I have been taking daily walks in the pasture (not today in the rain) but we will take a hiatus from that - at least in the pasture - for the next week since gun deer hunting season opens this weekend and I don't want to be too close to the woods. Yesterday I still spotted the Eastern bluebirds!

I began working on this latest afghan late last week and am now half done with the motifs. This one will be a Christmas gift.

09 November 2009

Ta Daaaaaaaa!

It was really late last night by the time I turned out the lights but...the afghan is finally done (well, there are still some yarn ends to weave in on the back side)! I think I could have finished it sooner had I not taken breaks to make other things - stained glass and a few other crochet projects. I even have the dog's Christmas gifts finished: croched coats that will be sure to help keep them warm come those cold winter days (and nights). When I have more time, I'll do an updated project slide show.

I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I looked out the window. There, perched on the clothesline posts were...Eastern bluebirds! SEVEN of them! They fluttered around the back yard for a while, even checking out the bird houses. The last time I saw them was three weeks ago and I figured that was their last stop here before heading south. Don't they know it's November and this is Wisconsin??? The weather has been really mild of late. Gosh, on Saturday the high was 68 degrees! I hope these are signs of a mild winter this year. Well, one can always hope, right?

01 November 2009

Still Crocheting...Honest!!!

Well, it's the day of the big game. But we have to wait until 3:15 (CST) for it to start. It was originally scheduled for noon but that stupid baseball world series caused the time change. Anyway, I'm ready - have my green shirt on and it appears to be helping the Eagles beat the Giants big time so far (not that I'm all that interested in who wins that game buy hey, it is football day and it would feel really strange not to be watching a game while I wait for THE game to start). Hope the "good luck" of the wearing of the green continues into the Packer game...especially today.

Okay, so it's football day and that means I must be crocheting....and I AM! Work on the afghan continues and I just finished attaching the fourth row of squares. Only three more rows (33 squares) to go until I can work on the border.