12 May 2008

Back At It

After a week and a half of time off, I went back to work today. Must say it was tough getting up this morning, and...that alarm was very annoying! I also got back to working on stained glass. Chose two simple flower patterns last night and cut them out. When I got home from work this afternoon I set to making one of the pieces - a hibiscus - that will be donated to the Holiday bazaar. It's picture is included in the slideshow below. It's really nice to get back to crafting - I've missed it but my hands really appreciated not getting cuts. Think I'll just do a few smaller sun catcher pieces until I figure out what kind of larger piece I'd like to work on next.

Last Friday evening our church held the annual Wine & Cheese fundraiser. I donated two stained glass pieces for the oral auction: Tulips in the Round and Flower in the Round. They brought in a nice amount of money!

06 May 2008

Back Again

Took another hiatus but this time it was vacation...and a much needed vacation at that. Returned home in the wee hours of the morning today from Florida. Had a wonderful time with my friend. We walked on the beach (lots), shopped, lazed around, ate fruit and ice cream for dinner, had some wine and marguritas, and had wonderful conversations. What more could anyone ask for?

The palm tree in this picture is the same one in all my pictures.
The picture was taken from the patio of the beach house last Saturday before we left and headed back to my friend's house. Always difficult to leave the peace, serenity, and sheer awe of the beach. Every time I have been there I've had a significant revelation and this time was no exception. Nothing that most people would call earth shattering but it's always something that I find deeply profound - and for my "ears" only. There's a sacredness in that.

I picked a great time to go weather-wise. It was sunny and warm - but not hot (that's coming there the end of this week, at least by this northerner's standards).

It is good to be home and it was good to be there!