22 February 2008

Still not too old to learn...

These February winter days here in Wisconsin are ripe with cabin fever - when it's above 5 degrees it's been snowing, when it's not snowing it gets below zero. So...what is a Wisconsinite to do? Well, I've already made my yearly trip to Florida, so there was only one other option: Learn something new!

Over the past month I have been taking stained glass classes. I have found a new passion! There's one more class to go, but I am already nearly obsessed with this new craft activity. The instructor told us we'd get better with practice, so...after purchasing the necessary tools, some glass, and searching for beginner patterns, I set up a work station in our basement and I HAVE been practicing every chance I get!

Now, I'm not saying I'm all that good at it yet, but I do see progress. And the absolutely best part is how relaxing and renewing it is for me. It's like a breath of fresh air amid the sometimes turmoil of the workday or week. In that respect, the time I spend cutting, shaping, and connecting colored glass into a pattern is sacred time - spiritual activity. I think my sister (her blog is listed in my links) who is a master quilter will probably agree that immersion in a creative activity is indeed sacred time.

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