23 October 2009

Another Stained Glass

I've had this pattern sitting on my craft table for over a year mostly trying to decide if I really like it and whether to make it a much larger piece. Well...a couple of days ago I finally did decide to make it as is and set about working on it. Even with it being a cloudy and rainy day today I think the colors show up pretty nicely in this purple heart. Unfortunately the tree in the background outside dulls the yellow glass I used for the floweri it really is a much brighter color. Oh well...

It measures 15" x 10" and is the largest piece I've done - in size not in number of glass pieces. After I attach the chain at each top corner it will hang in one of the windows just haven't decided which one yet.

I'm really liking working on square and rectangular pieces. And the mini power miter saw really works slick for cutting the metal edging.

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