28 November 2008

November Update

Sure has been a while since I've posted...again. But it's been even longer since I have worked on any stained glass. After a very long hiatus, I started and finished a purple tulip piece last Wednesday - it's in the slide show below. It's the first piece I've done since July!

This has been a rather trying month. Dan's 86-year old aunt Peggy sustained another compression fracture and after three weeks of doctor appointments and a hospitalization for dehydration, she had a kyphoplasty (a surgical procedure to decompress the fractured vertebra, and this is the second time she's had this done - on two other vertebrae). It was a huge success, as was the first one. The time commitment on my part was great - tending to getting her to appointments and such, which I didn't mind at all. My arthritis has been acting up a lot for quite some time now causing increased joint pain probably due in part to the change in seasons and in part to stress. And work has been...shall we say challenging? Not the right word, but... Anyway, last week I handed in my resignation, effective Dec. 31st. I have no clue as to what I'm going to do next, but I'm confident something will turn up. Most important for now, I could really use some down time - time to watch and wait, time to ponder and reflect - time that has not been available for way too long.

06 September 2008

New Addition

Gosh it's been a long time since I've written! Life has been so busy with work for both Dan and me. Seems finally last weekend we were able to catch our breath for a bit. On the way home from breakfast out on Sunday, we noticed a camper for sale just down the road and around the corner from our home. We called the number on the "For Sale" sign and toured it that afternoon. After tons of questions and some bargaining by Dan, we became the proud owners of a used 1996, 23 foot Jayco camper in excellent condition. On Tuesday, after all the paperwork was done and the check given to the seller, we brought it home and parked it in Mary and Jody's camp sight behind our house. Throughout the week, as time permitted, I set to giving the inside a good once over and stocking it with supplies. More pictures are on my Photo Album site (link on the right).

Not sure if we'll head to any campgrounds yet this season but perhaps may at the end of this month of early in October. When I told friends of ours that we had purchased it, I was asked how I talked Dan into getting it. My reply: It only took me five years! Oh the joy in thoughts of being able to get away on weekends. Fortunately there are a few campgrounds relatively close to home as Dan continues to work 6 days a week most weeks.

But for now...it's set up and ready to go in our back yard. I've already used it for a meeting with someone - very nice indeed! So...Mary and Jody, there's still room for you when you are able to come up this way. We'll just reconfigure the "camp sites"!!!

24 July 2008

Too Quiet; Too Still

Over the past two days both of the little baby Eastern bluebirds died. The adults are still around, mostly in the evening, but there will be no little ones to watch take their first flight. Some would say, "They were only birds". But they were much more than a mere "thing". They were a part of this beautiful creation - creatures of wonder that brought great joy to my heart. It saddens me deeply that they did not survive.

16 June 2008

Captivated by Nature

This is fast becoming one of my favorite times of year. The yard is alive with activity! The raised vegetable garden beds are looking good and everything is growing well...so far. Even the pumpkin and watermelon seeds I planted a couple weeks ago have sprouted and are developing new leaves. If they all produce, we'll have lots of pumpkins for carving (and canning) and an abundance of watermelon to eat come early fall. I'm hoping the cucumbers do well as I really have a taste for grandma's pickle recipe this year.

Besides the garden, watching the birds has been a joy. A couple weeks ago the baby Eastern bluebirds hatched and just last week, one day, I was late for work as I spotted the little ones perched on the crossbar of our clothesline post just as I was about to head out the door. It was captivating to watch as one by one each little one took flight...all but one, that is. This little straggler needed some encouragement from Father Bird. But eventually he (or she) made a short but glorious flight. I have found it both amazing and delightful that they are still sticking around so long this year. Each evening I watch as they come out from hiding and flutter around the yard. I can't remember them ever staying so long after leaving the nest. I Imagine Mother Bird will soon be laying her second batch of eggs in the little white birdhouse. And then I can start all over keeping watch. The hummingbirds are coming around enmass. Their antics are delightful. Early this afternoon I saw a doe standing on the road and the gopher that resides way too close to my gardens greets me each morning as I leave for work. For living out in the middle of nowhere, so to speak, there sure is a lot going on!

Late last week we got an over abundance of rain. So much so that nearly the whole yard was flooded three times in one night! Luckily there was only a tiny amount that seeped into the basement and the sump pump didn't even have to start up.

Been working on a few stained glass pieces - they're in the slideshow. Health things have keep me busy...or not. With all the wet weather and higher humidity, my RA has been acting up. Add to that increasing osteoporosis and a battery of tests. So far nothing too serious. And, I've been running with Dan's aunt to doctor appointments as well.

Be sure to check out the newest pictures of Miss Amelia on my photo album site. She came for a visit yesterday and was quite the socialable little lady!

03 June 2008

Time Off

Been a few weeks...again! Lots of things have occupied my time since I last posted. The weather has been up and down - nice warm and sunny days mixed in with cold ones. We even had frost one morning the week after Memorial Day! The three baby Eastern Bluebirds have hatched and are being well cared for. They're growing nicely and I imagine will soon be testing their wings. Yesterday I saw a female Oriole sitting on our clothes line post with some string in her beak. She's either building or adding to her nest.

The garden is planted and doing well so far and the flower beds are planted as well. A few shrubs that had seen much better days have been removed. The swing set is disassembled and pumpkin and watermelon seeds were planted where it used to occupy space. My final paper for school has been written, submitted, and reviewed. And...the fire wood pile has grown significantly in anticipation for the next two winters. Amid all this activity, we made a trip to the cemetery on Sunday before Memorial Day to plant flowers at my dad's grave. I usually had made a wreath and floral arrangement of silk flowers but this year wanted to do real flowers.

You'd think with having 10 days off I would have worked on stained glass. Well, no, I just didn't have any energy for that with all the work that needed to be done around the house. But, I went back to work yesterday and when I got home, after taking the dogs for a walk and backing a batch of chocolate chip cookies, I started in on stained glass again. I completed two small flower pieces (they're in the slide show) that will probably make it to the holiday bazaar. There is a great connection with going to work and busying myself with stained glass. I have been finding the situation at work to be frustrating and immersing myself in stained glass really helps take my mind off, well, literally everything else. Kind of like an oasis in the desert. Still sacred time...

12 May 2008

Back At It

After a week and a half of time off, I went back to work today. Must say it was tough getting up this morning, and...that alarm was very annoying! I also got back to working on stained glass. Chose two simple flower patterns last night and cut them out. When I got home from work this afternoon I set to making one of the pieces - a hibiscus - that will be donated to the Holiday bazaar. It's picture is included in the slideshow below. It's really nice to get back to crafting - I've missed it but my hands really appreciated not getting cuts. Think I'll just do a few smaller sun catcher pieces until I figure out what kind of larger piece I'd like to work on next.

Last Friday evening our church held the annual Wine & Cheese fundraiser. I donated two stained glass pieces for the oral auction: Tulips in the Round and Flower in the Round. They brought in a nice amount of money!

06 May 2008

Back Again

Took another hiatus but this time it was vacation...and a much needed vacation at that. Returned home in the wee hours of the morning today from Florida. Had a wonderful time with my friend. We walked on the beach (lots), shopped, lazed around, ate fruit and ice cream for dinner, had some wine and marguritas, and had wonderful conversations. What more could anyone ask for?

The palm tree in this picture is the same one in all my pictures.
The picture was taken from the patio of the beach house last Saturday before we left and headed back to my friend's house. Always difficult to leave the peace, serenity, and sheer awe of the beach. Every time I have been there I've had a significant revelation and this time was no exception. Nothing that most people would call earth shattering but it's always something that I find deeply profound - and for my "ears" only. There's a sacredness in that.

I picked a great time to go weather-wise. It was sunny and warm - but not hot (that's coming there the end of this week, at least by this northerner's standards).

It is good to be home and it was good to be there!

30 April 2008


Been a while since I've written. It's been a busy time at work and I've been a bit too tired to do any stained glass work...now, that's busy!

The first mowing of the lawn was completed today. A bit on the cold and windy side at a mere 38 degrees. But with the abundance of rain last week, the lawn was looking a little shabby. I just love the smell of freshly cut grass. And also don't mind one bit doing that chore. Gives me a good hour and a half to two hours to think about nothing in particular and to be away from hearing the phone ring. Kind of like being in another world...sacred time.

The other day it was so windy the swing set tipped over! It's been quite the spring here in northeastern Wisconsin. In fact, I just took a look at the thermometer and it reads 27 degrees! Good thing it's too early for any plants to be put into the gardens...they'd freeze tonight!

The hiatus from blog entries this past week will probably be accompanied by another several days away from writing. 12 hours from now I'll be heading to Florida to spend a few days with my friend. Am so looking forward to seeing her most of all and spending time at the beach. Seems my mind has been pulled in many different directions of late and my spirit feels so unsettled. A good dose of ocean beach is sure to clarify and refresh. The mid 80 degree weather can't hurt either!

22 April 2008

Returning Tenants

Had the day off but spent part of it in the dentist's chair. Alas, the last two original fillings had to be replaced. I wonder...now do we start over replacing fillings for the second time??? Perish the thought!

I had mentioned in an earlier post that the Eastern bluebirds had been spotted in our yard. Seemed they were here one day and then gone again until...today. Lo and behold, a familiar pair stopped by this afternoon, took a look around, and decided to once again, for the third year in a row, occupy the white birdhouse that Simon and Dan built. Soon to be mother bird was busy bringing new grass and straw into the house as she begins to build her nest.

The picture isn't the greatest as she was rather shy and after several attempts to snap one outside, I was able to snap one from quickly from the bedroom window as she rested oh so very briefly on the perch of the birdhouse before going inside. You have to look closely but...there she is! It will be great fun watching the pair complete their nest and then keeping a check on the tiny blue eggs until and after they hatch. The first year she laid two eggs, last year it was three. We do have a second birdhouse, but the tree swallows seem interested in that one - that will be good to keep the mosquito population under some control...

19 April 2008

Spring and New Life

The week has been busy - work, meetings, etc. But I did find time to do a couple of stained glass pieces (included in the updated slideshow). Actually, other than working at crafting, the week has been quite draining - physically, emotionally, spiritually. Spring weather is not the kindest for those of us with RA, and we have been having lots of rainy days here in Wisconsin. Spring is also the time of year when it seems we get the most cloudy days in a row...not exactly a mood lifter. Thank goodness I do immerse myself in working on stained glass because that lessens the time I notice the lack of sunshine.

Yesterday I got the news that my great aunt Grace died. She was the last of her generation in the family. There is something that smacks one right in the face when the realization comes that the younger generations just got older... Grace was my grandmother's younger sister. She had been widowed for many years and she had no children of her own. Two memories of her stick out right now. When I was a kid and visiting grandma and grandpa, sometimes we'd go over to see Grace and her husband, Immanuel. Grace had a huge garden (well to a kid it looked huge) and she always sent rhubarb home with us. The other memory was the smell of her house. It was neither sweet or unpleasant - just distinct. Grace is now reunited with her family - all together once again. Transformed into new life.

12 April 2008

Saturday Musing and Update

Well, I finished the rectangular hummingbird and flower piece and it's included in the slideshow. I sure wish the sun would shine - it's been cloudy and rainy (except for snow today) for the past few days. Sure would make the colors on the glass pieces much more vivid. I do have another project in mind (coming soon: Tulips in the round) but will probably not start on it right away. Other things need to be attended to this afternoon. Besides, I'm running out of solder...again!

Since the weather is less than wonderful and it's so cold outside, this would be a good day to reorganize my glass supply, do the laundry, and attend to class work. Sounds like a busy afternoon to me!

11 April 2008

What's New

Been sort of lazy days. The weather has much to do with that. It's been so cloudy and rainy over the past few days - enough to get anybody down...or at least lazy. There's even snow in the forecast for tomorrow...that's April in Wisconsin; never know what we're going to get. At any rate, it's been really nice to have had time to myself - time to renew and re-energize my spirit. Oh, there have been many work-related phone calls even though I have been off work since Tuesday. Took some of those accumulated comp days off this week. Those calls were annoying at first, but quite necessary in the long run.

I've been working on a new rectangular stained glass piece - a hummingbird and bright orange flower. Think it's turning out pretty well but it's been slow going. Managed to get five new cuts on my hands and fingers in the process...but nothing serious. I hope to finish the piece at some point tomorrow and then will add it to the picture album and slideshow. Stopped at the glass studio this morning to pick up another roll of copper foil (should have picked up more solder too so there may be yet another trip into town very soon). Ended up purchasing another pattern book too. There's a really cute bluebird in the round pattern in it that I want to make. Lots of other interesting patterns too. So there will be much to keep me occupied for quite some time. Working on these projects is definitely my sacred time.

Busy week ahead so it was a good thing to have these days off. Lots of meetings coming up but only one is an evening meeting, so that's good. The more time goes on, the less I want to be away from home in the evening. I'd much rather be here working on stained glass. But, alas, those evening meetings are part of my job... And I do seem to find pretty much time for crafting no matter how busy work can get.

08 April 2008


Yet another one of those sleepless sort of nights. Seems I've become a night owl once again. Know the alarm will go off way too early for me but...I do need to get to work early.

Began another stained glass piece this evening. Think it will be a gift for my friend's birthday - the friend I will be visiting in Florida at the end of the month. We'll see how it turns out.

I have a lot of comp time accumulated, so after tomorrow I'll be intending to take the rest of the week off. There will be lots of time for crafting. But I'll also have to attend to class work. I have hinted about school - that I'm taking classes again (or yet). Seems I've been in one school or another for the past eight years. First finishing my bachelor's degree, then getting my Master's degree. And now I'm in the middle of a formation program to become a spiritual director. This is something that I had not intended to do. But over the past several years some people at work have been urging me to pursue this tract saying that they think I'd be good at it. After trying to dismiss the idea many times over without success, I decided this was something I was being called to engage in. And am I ever glad I applied and was accepted. The coursework is wonderfully enriching and engaging. The people I have met and the instructors are absolutely fantastic. And the best part is that I'm transforming in a good way. Yet another pattern emerging in the life that is Brenda.

Blessed be!

05 April 2008

Craft Update

Guess I decided on something a little bigger after all. Started and finished the "Flower in the Round" (included in the slideshow) yesterday afternoon!!!

Made a stop at the glass studio today while I was in town. I even had a list - only three items I was running low on. But...as I've found out with each trip there, I just cannot go home without purchasing another piece or two or three or more of glass. I "got away" with only two new pieces today. They will be used in an Eastern bluebird piece - have the pattern copied and cut out already. Not sure when I'll get to working on it because even though it's the weekend, I have to work for a while tomorrow. AND most importantly...Simon is here for the weekend.

Those smaller sun catchers for the bazaar will just have to wait for a while. But that's OK since the bazaar isn't until November. I imagine I'll have quite a collection by then...

04 April 2008

Project Complete!

I just finished the rectangle piece, Cat Nap, and it is included in the picture slideshow. Must say, for my first straight-edge project, I think it turned out pretty well; not perfect (or purr-fect), but pretty well all the same. It's finished off with black patina - I really like how that enhances the look of the piece. The glass I used for the cat is a light grey and depending on the lighting outside, it changes color. In bright sunlight the cat looks white and as the sun goes down, it gets more and more grey. Amazing!

Now it's on to deciding what to work on next. I'm still thinking about doing a few smaller pieces but will decide for sure once I take a good look at the new patterns I got this week.

New Projects etc.

Been working on a mid sized rectangular stained glass piece. It's the first I've attempted with straight edges and it's slow going learning how to make sure those edges are even so that the framing channel fits well. So far three sides are a-okay but the fourth side is giving me problems. So I decided to let it sit for today and return to it tomorrow (besides I had two meetings to attend today - one this afternoon and one this evening - and no spare time to work on it anyway). There's no point in working on a project when frustrated because somehow the glass seems to know frustration and things just don't go well when that happens. This is a technique I will have to perfect before working on a window.

Today I got my first order to make a piece for someone. It will be a cardinal - perhaps one of a different design from the one in the slideshow. I emailed several pattern options to this person to choose from. I have my favorite but we'll see what is ultimately chosen. I also delivered Simon's "order" - the second Northern Sunrise, the soccer ball, and the red airplane.

Meanwhile, if and when I get the current piece finished, I have my eye on a few smaller sun catchers to add to my collection and/or save for the bazaar and/or give as gifts. I certainly have a wide variety of glass here to choose from for those items and a rather large assortment of new patterns to try out.

Now that I've made my flight reservations for a return trip to Florida at the end of April, I find it difficult to wait even four weeks to go. There's a sense of peacefulness and perspective I find when there that I cannot seem to find anywhere else. Perhaps it's the geographical distance, perhaps it's because it's so different than Wisconsin (weather, climate, scenery), but mostly it's being able to connect in person with my dear friend - a friend with whom I email nearly every day and sometimes more than once a day. Though we first met the summer of 2003, I feel as if I've known her for many years. I truly believe we were led by divine intervention to meet - blessed be!

02 April 2008

New Month; New Stained Glass Piece

Though this piece is already in the slideshow, I just had to include a picture of it here separately. I finished this sunrise scene, put together with copper foil and finished off with a black patina, last evening. I think it's my favorite one so far because it reminds me of all those wonderful barefoot walks on the beach during my trips to Florida. And...this piece will surely keep me "company" until I make a return trip to Florida to visit my friend at the end of this month.

30 March 2008

Some New Things

Finished three glass pieces over the past week or so. A repeat one of the Northern Sunrise (in the exact same colors) that Simon wanted and also a soccer ball and red airplane he talked me into making for him. Periodically I'm going to move the slideshow of the craft pictures so it's near the top of the posts - will make it easier to find and view. And I've been keeping it updated with pictures. If you come 'round and take a look every now and again, you'll notice I change the date above the slideshow when new pictures are added...and sometimes I change the color of the date too:)

Other than that, I (yuk) cleaned the basement yesterday. But the plus was that I added a second crafting work station! Now I have plenty of room to stretch out while working on stained glass projects. Well...at least for now. I already have it filled with pattern traced glass for my next project. Today Dan made a nifty little gadget for me so that it's easy to cut the zinc channel used for straight-edged projects at a neat 45 degree angle. I have yet to try it out, but he did and it works great!

25 March 2008

Photo Album Addition

A new photo album was added this evening (click on the Link at the right). We now have some pictures of our sweet pea, Amelia. She's 8 months old already and growing so fast! Yesterday she came over with mom and papa and she was all smiles. It won't be long before she's walking and talking and getting into Simon's stuff. But that's what little sisters are all about!

Simon spent the weekend with us. He was busy making aliens with his new toy, Martian Matter Alien Maker. I suspect there are nearly 20 aliens in his toy closet here! He really liked the Northern Sunrise sun catcher so I promised to make one for him. Will set to doing that when I get my current project done - an antique rose in the round. Have the glass cut out for that and just have a bit of grinding to do yet before wrapping it in copper foil and soldering it together. I had wanted to make the rose pink, but didn't have enough of that pretty dark and light pink glass left. So, cut the rose out of solid red instead. Something tells me I'll make another trip to the glass studio for more glass before the week is over. There are so many really cool pieces of glass there that I just can't resist picking up a couple of interesting pieces along with pieces I want for specific projects. Simon also wants an air plane and soccer ball sun catchers. He is going to keep me busy! And I have my eye on doing a desert sunrise one for myself too. I am on vacation this week but am not sure I'll get all of them done by the time I have to head back to work next Monday.

We've got snow in the forecast again for tonight...keeps me thinking about Florida - a lot! I can see myself as a snowbird some day - traveling to Florida for the winter months. Happily it IS spring (at least that's what the calendar says) and with temps in the 40's for tomorrow, the snow won't stick around very long.

18 March 2008

Picture Slideshow

Tonight I found this new slideshow thing available so I thought I'd put the pictures of my sun catchers in this format. So...now everyone can either view the slideshow (and check it out every now and again for newly added pictures) or...click photo albums under Links.

Today I finished the Easter Egg Angel and added the picture to the album (and slideshow). I'll be working on a sunrise scene next. Bought the glass for it today and also picked up some new pattern books. The store owner, who happened to be our class instructor, (and Dan too) keeps asking me when I'm going to do something big - like a window. Well, first I have to decide which window.

Since I have some vacation time over the next week and a half, I plan on doing a lot of crafting (and cleaning).

15 March 2008

Could it be Spring???

If you've taken a look at my Sister's blog, Quilted Comfort (see Links), and viewed the beautiful cherry tree in full bloom and...wished even one tangible sign of spring were visible where you live - like I have - Take Heart; subtle signs are all around!

Here in this corner of northeastern Wisconsin, the snow cover is less than half of what it was a week ago - there's been much melting over especially the past few days and we now have huge patches of bare ground visible. The colors have changed from black and white to brown and white. The birds are around again, playing and fluttering in our bushes by the deck. Their chirping and songs are a delight. And then, yesterday I saw something I was not expecting mid-March...my tulips have begun to emerge from their long winter's rest deep in the ground. Granted, they are only up about 2 inches and there are no blooms yet, but this sign of new life is energizing and so appreciated after the long, cold, and very snowy winter we've had here.

We do temper our enthusiasm with a dose of reality though by saying, "It IS only March and this IS Wisconsin...we CAN still get lots of snow yet". But I for one do hope these subtle signs of spring and all the new life that is just waiting to burst forth will continue to emerge with abundance over the next week and month...akin to what our journey through Lent is supposed to be all about...

12 March 2008

Craft Update

Another day, another sun catcher...another angel.
"Grace" is her name and she wast made for my dear friend, Bette as an Easter gift. It's been a slow few days as far as crafting goes. Been working and over the weekend Simon was here. My hands needed the rest anyway.

I'm keeping an online photo album now. So far all my sun catchers are in it and...who knows what other pictures will surface in the future??? Anyway, check it out under "Links".

07 March 2008

Friday Chatter

Oh darn, duty called today and I had to do some of that dreaded housework. But now the carpets are all shampooed and looking good again. Afterward I went into town to pick up a few things and did make another stop at the Glass Studio for three items...no new glass this time. When I got home, I set to work on finishing the angel I had begun yesterday. It will be a birthday gift for Aunt Peggy. (Picture coming soon as it was too dark outside by the time I finished to get a good shot.)

I was so engrossed in the project that I even forgot to eat lunch! Well, supper was put on hold as well because my daughter called to ask if I could babysit Amelia tonight. She and Ryan wanted to go out to eat, something they hadn't done since Amelia was born...in July! Given the choice between babysitting "Sweet Pea" and eating supper, well, Amelia won out. The little dear slept soundly all the while I was there. Simon was off on a sleep-over birthday party. But he will be coming over tomorrow and staying over night. That's sure to make for an active weekend.

Speaking of an active weekend, it will also be a semi-work weekend as well. Have a four hour morning of reflection at work tomorrow and also have to teach a class on Sunday - but only for one hour. Seems real weekends off are few and far between at times.

By the way, I did take Sara's birthday gift along tonight even though her birthday isn't until tomorrow. She loved the hummingbird and flower sun catcher!

8 March:

Here's the picture of the angel. This one was put together with copper foil and solder. Then a copper patina was put over the solder and shined up with polish.

06 March 2008

Yesterday's Project

Yep...it was the bowl of apples. Just need to add the hanger rings yet...
What's next? I'm thinking the daffodil. Feeling the desire to see some spring amid this snowy landscape.
9:15 pm: Oh yeah...just checked out my sister's blog (linked on the right). Talk about spring! Beautiful cherry tree in full bloom!!! Makes my tree in the background of this picture look so bare. Well, until spring arrives here in Wisconsin, I'll just have to keep on stained-glassing! Did start the daffodil today but got sidelined into working on an angel, yes, holding a flower! There's another birthday coming up...

04 March 2008

The Week...So far

It's been a mixed up sort of week...and it's only Tuesday! Late Sunday afternoon it started raining. In the evening we had lightening - kind of unusual for early March in Wisconsin. By Monday morning the rain had turned to sleet and then to snow around 6:30. That made the trip into town to take one of our dogs to the vet rather slippery. But we made it, safe and sound. I opted to to into work later that morning since I had to teach my class both in the afternoon and evening. By the time I got home I was bushed. No stained glass crafting on Monday. And my hands and fingers got the rest they needed.

Today I again opted for a late start to the work day. About half of my afternoon class had decided not to make the drive on Monday because of slippery roads, so I offered a repeat class this afternoon. After work I headed into town to the glass shop and picked up several new pieces in various colors. I have three new projects in mind - an oval with a daffodil, a bluebird, and a basket of apples. Not sure which I'll start with, but am leaning toward the apple one. I do have all three of the patterns cut out and ready to go but didn't do any work on them yet. So...my fingers got one more day of healing (just some nicks). Did manage to get some laundry done before heading to work...wonder if my sister's washing machine is fixed yet...

Tonight I attended Evening Prayer followed by an appointment. Made for another long day, but both these days have been enriching and nourishing in various ways.

Wednesdays are typically my day off and tomorrow I have some special plans...I'll spend some time in the afternoon babysitting Amelia. What a joy that will be! Oh yes, I do plan to do some stained glass work too, so I had better decide which of the three projects will be the first to get cracking on. It will be good to get back to crafting and besides, other than the time I'll be with Amelia, I plan to stay put at home since it's supposed to snow...again! Oh how I long for spring or to be on the Florida beach watching another sunrise like the one pictured top right!!!

03 March 2008

Crafting Weekend

A few more sun catchers to add to the collection. These are the "simple" ones I have made that will be saved for the church fall bazaar. All were done with lead came. I completed the girl and lady bug yesterday. The apple was done last Thursday.

My craft area was in dire need of reorganizing so, on Saturday that's just what I did. And I installed one of those under-the-cabinet lights over the area where my glass grinder is located. What a huge difference that made!
Not sure what my next project will be but I have plenty of patterns to choose from. Think, though, it will be something more challenging that these three pictured here. But that project, whatever it will be, will have to wait at least until tomorrow...it's a busy day for me today as I am in the midst of teaching a class on Monday afternoons and evenings. That leaves little time (like none) for crafting. But that's OK, my fingers and hands could use a day of rest!

28 February 2008

Latest Additions

Well, it took me just two days to get cracking on something more challenging in the stained glass arena. This sun catcher is just under 6 inches in diameter and has 26 pieces...a far cry from the 5-9 piece ones I had already done! Besides having so many more pieces, some of them were very tiny, which posed a challenge. But I think it turned out pretty well. Yesterday I cut out the pattern and the glass and did some of the grinding. After work today I finished the grinding and soldered it together. I'll add a chain to hang it from but that will have to wait until I get into town tomorrow or Saturday (depends on how much snow we get tonight). I plan to give this one to my daughter for her birthday next week.

1 March 2008 (an addendum):

The class is officially over but I'm still immersed (or is it obsessed?) in this stained glass craft. Last night I completed this old time coffee pot, done in a semi-opaque blue with streaks of white running though it, and purple tulips (unfortunately, when I took the picture, the sun was at the wrong angle to vividly show the colors). Could I be thinking spring??? You bet! I think it took me all of 3-4 hours to complete from cutting the glass to fusing it together using the copper foil technique. One aid to how quickly this went together was with the assistance of a wonderful little device that rolls and crimps the copper foil onto the glass pieces in the proper position in one easy step. Sure saves the frustration of getting the positioning right by hand! Think I'll give this one as a gift to one of my friends who is a master gardener.

The other night I simply got bored waiting for the snow to start and with nothing but reruns on TV, so I put together a simple apple. Off and on I will make small and simple sun catchers and save them to donate to the craft sale at our church's holiday bazaar in fall.

26 February 2008

Sun Catchers

I finally got around to taking pictures of the stained glass sun catchers I have made. Well, almost all of them - Simon took the sailboat one home with him on Sunday.

This is my very first class project: a hummingbird. I must say that it wasn't too difficult once I got rolling.

This butterfly was my second project done at home. Both this one and the hummingbird are put together with lead came.

Last week we learned how to do copper foil. So I just had to practice the technique at home and made this cardinal.

Too bad the sun wasn't shining brightly when I took these pictures...maybe tomorrow!

Meanwhile, I have been working on a chickadee using the copper foil technique. Tonight is the last class and I'll be finishing the teapot sun catcher I've been working on there. I'm sad to see the class end but I have enough glass here at home now to keep me occupied for a while. One day, after I figure I've practiced enough, I plan to do a real window! Wonder how long I'll have to practice...

24 February 2008

Transforming Signs

Even though the days and weeks seem to fly by so quickly, the reality is it’s still February – it is still winter – and yet another round of snow is in our forecast for tomorrow night. There’s a deep and abiding restlessness this time of year – a longing for warmth and sunshine and color (any color) instead of the almost two-toned black and white of this Wisconsin winter.

But some signs of spring are emerging amid the winter storms…at least I think they’re signs of spring. A few small, courageous birds braved snow and wind one day to perch on a snow bank outside my window and a gorgeous red fox sprinted effortlessly across a snow-covered field as I was driving to an appointment yesterday. These signs speak to me of the emerging new life of spring. And they remind me of hope – hope in what is transforming in nature and the hope and trust that ultimately has its birth and fulfillment in the Divine One – the hope and trust I strive to attain (even when I am so very impatient).

Nature is ripe with signs of glorious beauty, if only we take the time to really see – not only with our eyes, but with our whole being. This kind of “seeing” is what I call beholding – being captivated and in utter awe of what one sees. Just a couple of nights ago, as I was driving into town, I caught a glimpse of a sight in the rear view mirror I rarely see: the sun was just about below the horizon, most of the western sky was a deep purple, and a wide shaft of bright orange was shining straight up from the setting sun as if reaching high into the heavens. This was a truly holy and awesome sunset and my first thought was that I wanted to “capture” and hang on to this sight. But then, I just as quickly let that thought go, feeling in my heart that I could no more hang onto this one beautiful sunset than I can will myself into a mystical experience. Sacred time knows not the constraints of human time measurement. Sacred time is a gift, poured out in grace sometimes at the most unanticipated moments, and received with humble appreciation. Blessed be!

22 February 2008

Still not too old to learn...

These February winter days here in Wisconsin are ripe with cabin fever - when it's above 5 degrees it's been snowing, when it's not snowing it gets below zero. So...what is a Wisconsinite to do? Well, I've already made my yearly trip to Florida, so there was only one other option: Learn something new!

Over the past month I have been taking stained glass classes. I have found a new passion! There's one more class to go, but I am already nearly obsessed with this new craft activity. The instructor told us we'd get better with practice, so...after purchasing the necessary tools, some glass, and searching for beginner patterns, I set up a work station in our basement and I HAVE been practicing every chance I get!

Now, I'm not saying I'm all that good at it yet, but I do see progress. And the absolutely best part is how relaxing and renewing it is for me. It's like a breath of fresh air amid the sometimes turmoil of the workday or week. In that respect, the time I spend cutting, shaping, and connecting colored glass into a pattern is sacred time - spiritual activity. I think my sister (her blog is listed in my links) who is a master quilter will probably agree that immersion in a creative activity is indeed sacred time.

14 February 2008

Night time ramblings...

Today, Feb. 14th, we had yet another round of snow here in northeastern Wisconsin. The weather report stated we got 6 inches, but I am convinced I shoveled at least 10 inches off our deck this afternoon...and it kept snowing until 6:00 tonight!

But...with the snow, came a day off - a blessing in disguise! I could not get to work because the road conditions were terrible. In fact, I couldn't even see the road from our window most of the day. So...I had a day to myself to rest, to ponder, and to play. It was one of those nourishing kind of days...food for the soul. AND...it was much needed!

It's been a busy week. On Monday I began teaching a class, which amazingly both energized and drained me. Both Monday and Tuesday were very long days of work...but I'm not really complaining because it is good work with good people. Mixed in with work, in the late evening hours, I have been reading. Not just any old reading or being engrossed in some juicy novel. My reading these days is for school. Yes, after all these years, I continue to immerse myself in learning - formal education. What a gift it is...to be able to continue education in areas I feel called to AND enjoy! But there are times when I simply get tired - worn out - in need of renewal. And today, my snow day off, was just the kind of day for that renewal I really needed!

So...winter, be what you may; snow if you will. I'll take a day of rest any time!

13 February 2008

Not too old to learn...

Oh my goodness, I used to think I was on top of the game when it came to technology but things in that area move along so quickly these days. Though where I work I am considered one of the computer guru's, I have no clue as to how an ipod or an mp3 (or is it 4?) player works, nor do I know the first thing about a blackberry. I have text messaged only once and found it quite awkward.

But...to my delight, I learned just yesterday, how to upload a video on YouTube! Didn't take all that much effort in the brain power department, but it was something very new to me. No, I'm not going to give you the link to the video - it was done only for someone specific and I will be deleting it soon. But the sheer accomplishment of actually figuring out how to do it - upload a video from my camcorder - made a very long day a huge success!

All the patterns that are emerging within and around continually amaze me!

09 February 2008

Doing a 180 for Lent

I just took a look at my sister's blog - a warm 66 degrees??? Well, I'm still in Wisconsin and it's 10 degrees and the wind is howling. Suspect the wind chill factor is well below zero. This has been a winter of ups and downs - warm (for winter) one day and bitter cold the next...snow one day and melting the next. I'm getting tired of hearing people say, "Well, this is Wisconsin"!!!

So, let's muse a bit about Lent, which began this past Wednesday. Every year I struggle with the concept of giving up something for Lent - as a discipline. We Catholics are to refrain (fast) from eating meat on Fridays during Lent. It may seem blatant disrespect, but I say that practice (and by the way obligation) is rubbish! Nearly 52 Fridays of the year I refrain from eating meat and I'm basically vegitarian anyway! What's the "sacrifice" in it for me during Lent? I have jokingly said this year I will give up football - would be "easy" enough since the season and the Super Bowl is over anyway. The point of fasting from something during Lent is supposed to make us better, through discipline. Well, I equate the word discipline with negativity...and there is certainly more than enough negativity that surrounds many of us. And the point of my stubbornness in not giving up something tangible for Lent is not really a blatant defiance of the religious practice/obligation...or maybe it is.

Anyway, what I have pondered, and invite everyone to consider, is to add something to life during Lent - to "label it", if you will, as a spiritual practice. Something that will seek and serve, if I am/we are faithful to the practice, to nourish and enrich life - and something that will "stick" longer than these 40 days. How about adding some meditation time - some silent abiding time? Heaven knows there is more than enough noise in our lives! Sure, I'll most likely have to "give up" a half hour of sleep. But it's not the giving up that is the focus; it's the adding of the specific practice that will (hopefully and with the grace of the Holy One) nurture and nourish the soul...yes, during Lent but also beyond. Now, isn't that, and the reality that God is deeply in love with us, the stuff of what REALLY matters?

30 January 2008

Musing on Solitude and Silence

Most recently I read Henri Nouwen’ s “The Way of the Heart” and found it absolutely wonderful. Almost right off the bat, on Page 16, the statement of: “Solitude is the place of the great struggle and the great encounter – the struggle against the compulsions of the false self, and the encounter with the loving God who offers himself as the substance of the new self” is one I both agree with and think is incomplete. Certainly it is in solitude we come face to face with our compulsions that serve to make us something or someone other than who we truly are – God’s beloved. But it’s the second part, the encounter with the loving God, that I think is incomplete. While God is encountered in solitude, I also believe God’s loving presence is encountered in community and in the other person (not to mention in nature). The challenge is to look at another and see the face of God – to see that they too are God’s beloved, whether we happen to like that person or not. The face of God is in all – rich and poor, well off and destitute, beautiful and not so pretty...

In his section on silence Nouwen writes, “The word no longer communicates, no longer fosters communion, no longer creates community, and therefore no longer gives life” (pages 38-9). This I agree with wholeheartedly! So many words fill any given day – written and spoken words, conversations, commands, television, emails, newspapers, etc. It’s really easy to “turn a deaf ear” when we feel word-overloaded – when the words we hear and read no longer are life-giving for us. Our society in general is not comfortable with silence…and yet, it is precisely silence we need…desperately. We almost feel odd when we are comfortable with, even crave, silence. But...we can best hear the voice of the Holy One in the depths of our heart when we are surrounded by silence.

Christmas Dogs

For our annual Christmas letter each year, I include a picture of our Shih-tzu's, Maximus and Pugs. This year (2007) I decided to make it a "true" holiday picture and dressed them up in snowman costumes...neither were too pleased! Pugs, the 8-year old, is on the left; Maximus, the 6-year old is on the right. I did vow to them that I would not burden them with costumes next year...we'll see!

Christmas 2007

Just a few pictures taken Christmas day at our house. It gets a little confusing but...when the Smilebox comes up, click on the "Play" button to automatically move through the pictures and...don't forget to turn on your computer's volume! Enjoy!!!
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